From Hinduism mythology to women empowerment 

The singer’s voice is soft but audible. She is sitting at the edge of the stage, a guitar in her hand. She does not seem nervous. As the last act of the evening, she invites us to join her singing a popular Indian song. I do neither know the lyrics nor the melody, but...

Unraveling India’s Packaging Tapestry

The man opposite to me has just finished his package of chips. “American Style Sour Cream” is what I can read on its front. I find it slightly weird that I as a German, studying in the US track an Indian in an Indian second class sleeping cabin in a night...
Flying for a purpose

Flying for a purpose

“If you do a split now, I will donate $ 1000” Both men who are standing in the queue of the outdoor cocktail bar opposite to me start laughing simultaneously. “I can teach you and then you can show your skills at the next Trivia!” is what I...